Elcometer 270 Pinhole Detection Inspection Kit

Elcometer 270 Pinhole Detection Inspection Kit is designed as a test kit for detecting pinhole holes in pavement surfaces. This kit uses the “high voltage holiday detection” technique, an electrical test method used to detect pinhole holes in a variety of coating materials.

The Elcometer 270 kit includes a high voltage source, a sensor, a test lead and a ground wire. This kit allows users to easily locate pinholes and identify defects in pavement surfaces.

This product is a test kit commonly used in industrial coating applications and is suitable for liquid coating, powder coating, epoxy coating and many other coating materials.

Elcometer 270 Pinhole Detection Inspection Kit

The Elcometer 270 Pinhole Detectors Inspection Kit includes a separate wand handle & lead, roller wand, 10m (32’) signal return cable, extension pieces, telescopic extension, belt clip, bottle of wetting agent, 3 x AA batteries, spare flat sponge and spare roller sponge. The Kit does not include the main instrument.

  • Part Number : T27018191
  • Certification : No Certificate
Part NumberDescription
T27018191Elcometer 270 Pinhole Detection Inspection Kit
Packing ListSeparate wand handle & lead, roller wand, 10m (32’) signal return cable, extension pieces, telescopic extension, belt clip, bottle of wetting agent, 3 x AA batteries, spare flat sponge, spare roller sponge
D270—-3Elcometer 270/3 Pinhole Detector (9V & 90V)

Elcometer 270/4 Pinhole Detector (9V, 67.5V & 90V)